Online Purchasing

How do I know if an item is in stock? takes significant efforts to provide accurate information on product availability. Unfortunately, sometimes errors occur. If you place an order for something we discover to be out of stock, Le Creuset HK will contact you so that you may select another item. Should that happen, we apologise for any inconvenience.

Is all Le Creuset merchandise available for purchase online?

At this moment of time, not all items are available to purchase online. However, some products featured online may be exclusive for our online shop.

Is in-store pick-up available for items I purchase online?

You may order items online and pick them up at Le Creuset's Wyndham Shop at 31C-D, Wyndham Street, Central, Hong Kong.

What are my payment options?

Le Creuset's online shop accepts the following credit cards:

American Express

How can I check the status of an order placed online?

Le Creuset will send an e-mail after the order is approved acknowledging your order and providing an anticipated shipping date. You can contact us if you have any questions about the delivery of your order. Call our Consumer Services team at 2790 1808 or send us an e-mail at

Can I change or cancel my order?

We hope that you carefully consider your purchase before finalising it at checkout, and we are confident that you will be satisfied with the item you receive. However, you may return an item within 7 days of purchase for an exchange or refund of the item’s value. See our Delivery and Returns Page for more detail.